The Horizon Line: A Quarterly Update from the MAEA
There is a renewed interest from MAEA members to learn about what you and your students are doing in your classroom. The Horizon Line is a quarterly newsletter which will allow you to share what is happening in your neck of the woods. It can only exist if you submit an article. The Fall 2012 issue covers the last three quarters, it is packed with great stuff!
Please take a moment to share a story, it can be inspiring, informational, a successful lesson, or what ever you wish. You can easily submit a story by filling out a simple form. Please send a few photos to help illustrate your story. Articles can be brief or longer. Please proof read your own work before submitting an article.
You can view the Horizon Line online or download a copy to print by using the link below.
Please take a moment to share a story, it can be inspiring, informational, a successful lesson, or what ever you wish. You can easily submit a story by filling out a simple form. Please send a few photos to help illustrate your story. Articles can be brief or longer. Please proof read your own work before submitting an article.
You can view the Horizon Line online or download a copy to print by using the link below.
Download The Horizon Line:Right-click on the link and select a location to save the file.
Submit a Story:Click here to submit your article.
Email images with captions to [email protected] to illustrate your article. |
Back Issues:Fall 2012:
Fall 2011:
Corrections, additions, or changes? Contact the MAEA webmaster Eric Hanson to update this page.